Station ID TRIE
Town or city Borgo Grotta Gigante, Sgonico (TS)
Day. of installation dd/mm/yy 05/02/2003
GPS time week 1204
day of year 036
Coordinates ITRS/WGS84-ITRF00(2008.0)
UTM North (m) N 5062543.778
East (m) E 403757.366
geog. Lat N 45° 42' 35.1262"
Long E 13° 45' 48.6753"
Ellipsoidal height (m) 323.398
Coordinates ETRS89/IGM95-ETRF2000(2008.0)
UTM North (m) N 5062543.436
East (m) E 403756.990
geog. Lat N 45° 42' 35.1150"
Long E 13° 45' 48.6582"
Ellipsoidal height (m) 323.408
Coordinates ETRS89/IGM95-ETRF89(1989.0) *
UTM North (m) N 5062 543.402
East (m) E 403756.985
geog. Lat N 45° 42' 35.1138"
Long E 13° 45' 48.6580"
Ellipsoidal height (m) 323.262
Coordinates ROMA40 *
Gauss Boaga North (m) N 5062566.357
East (m) E 2423762.848
geog. Lat N 45° 42' 32.7750"
Long E 1° 18' 40.7883"
Geodetic height (m) 278.430
Coordinates ED50 *
UTM North (m) N 5062735.356
East (m) E 403828.314
geog. Lat N 45° 42' 38.2824"
Long E 13° 45' 52.0946"
Geodetic height (m) 278.430
Antenna ASH701945E_M
Receiver TPS NET-G5
Power supply Alimentazione di rete 220V ac
Geology Calcari (Giurassico-Cretacico)

Real time data

Not available

Loading chart. Collecting data... (points: 0)





The plots below are created daily and display:

  • Signal to noise ratio of L1 and L2.
  • Multipath observable rms of L1 and L2.

Input are the station RINEX observation and navigation files. Consequently, the graphs give a snapshot of the station tracking for a specific date.

Skyplot not available

  • S1C: Signal to noise ratio (S/N) Carrier L1.
  • S2L: Signal to noise ratio (S/N) Carrier L2.
  • M1C: Multipath Carrier L1.
  • M2L: Multipath Carrier L2.

